![Item Title](images/BodhPath.jpg)
We have the pleasure of inviting you to send us an article/research paper on Buddhism and allied subjects for publication in the forthcoming 25th issue of "BODHI-PATH" . The journal is brought out twice in a year the first from January to June and the second from July to December. The article/research paper submitted for consideration of publication in the journal should be of 1500-3500 words typed single space in MS Word format in Hindi font 'kruti dev-011' or English font ' Times New Roman '. The submitted articles will be peer reviewed and checked for plagiarism. The articles with more than 20% plagiarized content will not be considered. The deadline for submitting your article/research paper is 1st June 2023 for the July publication. The article/research paper should be sent electronically.
Dr. Sangh Mitra Baudh, The Editor, Bodhi-Path
Buddha Education Foundation (Trust), Maitrya Buddha Vihar, H-2/48,
Sector-16, Rohini, Delhi-110089
E-mail: sanghmb@gmail.com